One of the nature listservs I’m on carefully notes the first sighting of migrants (going or coming) at each location.
With that in mind, I saw the first Fox Sparrow of winter at Owl Pavilion today around noon. As usual, it was shyer than some of the other birds (cardinals will practically part my hair; Bewick’s and Carolina wrens have perched on the hammock I was in) and tried to keep stalks of grass between itself and me. But I know my winter sparrows and that russet back and boldly striped breast belong to no other.
Our wintering sparrows include White-crowned, White-throated, Field, Lincoln’s, Savannah, Song, Harris’s, Vesper, and Fox. Spring and fall migrations sometimes drop another one on us briefly, but never in great numbers. I like the winter sparrows a lot–used to think “small streaky brown mysteries”, but spent one winter studying them and another practicing.
Haven’t seen a thrush or thrasher yet this year, but did catch sight of a flicker, though not today.